Thursday, January 31, 2008


[Photo: Butterfly Effect by marirs]

Your bad mood serves your enemy.
--Dalai Lama

Obama for President!

If I were Hillary, I'd be embarrassed. Is this the type of righteousness and arrogance we want in the White House? Sounds a little too familiar for comfort... Go Barack!


[Photo: Give to humanity... by Aphrodite]
When I speak about love and compassion, I do so not as a Buddhist, nor as a Tibetan, nor as the Dalai Lama. I do so as one human being speaking with another. I hope that you at this moment will think of yourself as a human being rather than as an American, Asian, European, African, or member of any particular country. These loyalties are secondary.

-- Dalai Lama

Imagine what our world could be if all just believed in and valued our most base elements...