Wednesday, July 30, 2008


[Photo by ricardo.martins]

Contrary to what would seem like logical thinking,
putting up your defenses actually inspires others
to put up their offenses.

-- The Universe

Monday, July 28, 2008

MUST watch

This is a MUST watch for everyone -- Randy Pausch's commencement address in May 2008 at CMU. One can never be reminded too many times of the message...


[Photo by lnsight]

Share your knowledge.

It's a way to achieve immortality.

-- Dalai Lama

Common identity

[Photo by euthman]

If you and I find common ground as human beings,
we will communicate on a basic level.

If I say, "I am a monk,"or "I am a Buddhist," these are,
in comparison to my nature as a human being, temporary.

To be human is basic, the foundation from which we all arise.

You are born as a human being,
and cannot change that until death.

All else --
whether you are educated or uneducated,
young or old, rich or poor --
is secondary.

-- Dalai Lama

Friday, July 25, 2008

Live the Dream

Randy Pausch died today of complications from pancreatic cancer. I am reposting his "Last Lecture" in celebration of his life and the unintended legacy he left behind: Live and love each day, as if it is your last. Enjoy.

Randy Pausch is a 46 year old professor at Carnegie Mellon, who is dying of pancreatic cancer. He delivered his Last Lecture to an audience of over 40 students, and it has been widely downloaded on the internet. Randy appeared on Oprah and delivered a shortened version of this lecture. His message is exetremely powerful and uplifting, emphasizing the way we should all live!

You don't say....

[Photo by Michael R. Swigart]

I'm also not very analytical.
You know I don't spend a lot of time
thinking about myself,
about why I do things.

-- George W. Bush,
aboard Air Force One, June 4, 2003

Monday, July 21, 2008

In memory ...

[Photo by tanakawho]

At a personal level, as a Buddhist practitioner,
I deliberately visualize and think about death in my daily practice.
Death is not separated from our lives.
Due to my research and thoughts about death,
I have some guarantee and some conviction
that it will be a positive experience.

--Dalai Lama

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Time to Vote!

Send a JibJab Sendables® eCard Today!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


[Photo: Apollo's Prism by m.a.x]

Take into account that
great love
great achievements
great risk.

-- Dalai Lama

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Presidential Humor

Jon Stewart at the Ocscars...