We are the ones we have been waiting for.
We are the change that we seek.
--Barack Obama
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I read something just now that I got a kick out of ...
So.. Say Hillary does end up as the Democratic candidate for President.
And say, she decides to name a Vice President that has had years of experience to draw upon.... say.. Bill. :) The Clinton/Clinton ticket!
Then! She takes office, and... resigns. Whee, he gets to be President again :)
Posted by
LV7 |
2/06/2008 01:15:00 AM
That's why he cannot legally run as V.P.
But back to Barack. I love this man! WE are the ones we've been waiting for. Powerful, historical stuff.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2/07/2008 04:29:00 PM
Go Barack!
Having a Bush or a Clinton in the White House since 1989 is bloody well long enough. Obama is right,
it's time for a REAL change.
I just wish that he had a brother or sister who could be our next Prime Minister.
Posted by
Romeo Morningwood |
2/08/2008 12:06:00 AM